Xiaolong Yang

Welcome! I am a G1 graduate student in Harvard University’s Master’s program of Regional Studies - East Asia. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Kosuke Imai and Prof. Christina Davis.

My CV can be found here.


My main research interests lie in applied statistics with applications in social sciences. Particularly, I am interested in political methodology with a focus on individualized treatment rules and treatment effect heterogeneity. My substantive interests in political science broadly span comparative politics (civil society & public opinion), international relations (cooperation & IOs).

Statistical Software

I currently work on the evalITR R package to expand its support for causal machine learning methods for estimation and evaluation of individualized treatment rules, and more generally heterogeneous treatment effects.


My amazing coauthors and I are delivering an open source book on the applications of R Markdown in Chinese.

Chunhui Gao, Yifan Wang, Qiushi Yan, Liangliang Zhuang, Xiaolong Yang. An Authoritative Guide for R Markdown (Tentative English Title). China Machine Press. Forthcoming in 2023.


I am hugely inspired by the great teaching of those before me. I am particularly thankful to Prof. Kosuke Imai and Prof. Connor Jerzak. Thanks to them, I was able to learn from their teaching, and subsequently developed a passion to learn through teaching.

I was fortunate to be a part of Prof. Kosuke Imai’s teaching team for the celebrated introductory level data science course for social scientists - QSS at the University of Tokyo in 2022. We also taught a series of TA lectures on tidyverse - a popular syntax of R. Some slides are provided here.



Some notes for intermediate econometrics here. More on introductory real analysis and optimization theory are in the making.

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